Girl Please! Case No. 1

’ She says she’s had therapy because inside her flamboyant outbursts is a scared deserted child and: ‘What I hate is people who, because you are in the public eye, try to take advantage of you, blackmail you. Unfortunately what happens is that lawyers become your best friend . . . What has been written about me is out of the hemisphere. Just wrong . . . I don’t care if they call me a bitch. A bitch is someone defending their rights . . . I’m a fighter.’ But ‘I’ve learned to meditate, to give myself some breaks during the day. I’ve rediscovered my good humor.
It’s clear that Naomi definitely needs to learn how to chill the hell out. May we suggest aromatherapy or purchasing a new weave to cover that raggedy-ass hairline?
**Photo & Funny Quote Courtesy of - I love this website
Girl Please!! Case No. 2
So it's lunch time at my office and I'm starving so I heat up the left overs I brought in from dinner last night - baked chicken, cabbage & sausage, mac & cheese, and white rice when (you didn't need to know that part, just thought I'd show off my cooking skills) when one of my associates from the office says "you know, your not supposed to heat up food in plastic containers when you're using the microwave". I explained that maybe that was the case but at times I was just too lazy to put my food in a "microwave safe" dish...hell, i'm not even sure I own a microwave safe dish. And there was no way I was about to throw away my lunch! Now, I'd heard this some time ago or maybe read it in an email somewhere about how microwave plastics release something called dioxins that can cause breast cancer but for some reason when my associate said something about it this afternoon...something didn't ring true so I decided to get my inspector gadget on and investigate further. Turns out it's a urban legend....
The claim that plastic food wraps and containers can release dioxins in the microwave oven is misleading. First, the vast majority of plastics used in food wraps and packaging containers do not contain the chemical constituents that can form dioxins. Second, dioxins are a family of compounds that are produced by combustion at high temperatures. They can only be formed during combustion at temperatures typically above 700 degrees Fahrenheit. In other words, even if all of the constituents were present, you also would need to have a very hot fire in your microwave oven, in which case you probably wouldn’t eat the food anyway.
Girl Please!! Case No. 3

Need I say more...
**Photo Courtesy of - I love this website too!