It's been a while and so much has transpired since my last sit down. Lets see. I went to Vegas for the weekend a couple weeks back. You know how Vegas is...Hot on many different levels. I'd met some freinds and associates there and we all stayed at the Mandalay Bay. They have this really cool man made beach that didn't do shit for me but was cool anyway. I spent the majority of my days there lounging by one of the quiter pools. It was no less than 110 degrees everyday I was there but I didn't really mind since I was at least out of the city for a few days. I went to a burlesque show while I was there at this club called forty-deuce and they served this water called Liquid Salvation. I thought the bottle was absolutely devine so I brought it back with me. This coupled with the tiny fags that a new friend of mine brought over from the UK were about the only things that made it back from Vegas. By the way, those tiny boxes get you a lot of attention. They're a great conversation starter and all the cuties kept walking up making small talk with the cigs as an ice breaker. I think I may keep the box and take them with me to bars around New York. It's sure to work here too. Thinking back on the trip I didn't really do a lot of anything. Sat by the pool by day and partied all night. And as for gambling, I left once my ass was up by $5. Hey, a win is a win. I also went to the Rum Jungle and danced my ass off. The dj's in that place know how to keep you moving. They even had a accompaning bongo guy adding to the boom and pop! I don't think I got in before 4am that night. Over all it was pretty good. The only thing that kinda annoyed me was that someone layed all of their feelings for me on the table and while I was breifly flatter it always sucks when you don't feel the same. I didn't want to lie but I didn't want to tell the truth either so I did what any one would do. I was vague. Seemed to work easily enough.
After returning from my three day weekend in Vegas I flew back to New York on Sunday for a project meeting first thing Monday morning and then flew home to Dallas on Tuesday afternoon. Home was hella good. I have to go back every couple of months to get some of that family love. Coincindentally, it makes me that much more hungrier when I return. It's as though I'm reminded why I moved to New York in the first place. Of course I saw my stinka butt who is growing so fast and is bad as hell. He's in that stage where the only thing he really like to say is "no" and "huh". Its kind of annoying. Actually very annoying but when you have a face as cute as the one above you can pretty much get away with anything. I got kinda bummed while I was home too. I think its because no one seems to be progressing the way I would like them to. They're pretty much all doing the same shit they was doing when I left. I mean I don't expect any significant changes but shit they were going to the same clubs we went to five years ago. I guess some shit just don't change. Independence day came and went. I had plenty of bar-b-que (my cousin kilt it on the grill), saw a few fire works and partied for most of my night there but was all to happy to go home. It seemed as if I'd been traveling for days on end. I even came back with a small treat for myself. Grape Swisher Sweet Cigarillos. These shits are good! They're kind of scratch and sniff. Once you unwrap them you can smell the grape everywhere.
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