Mental Tug-O-War...Bodies dancing closely yet not together. I felt like he placed himself there beside me...strategically. Or maybe sub-consiously for it was as if he appeared magically. Normally a reserved specimen, even in the club, he became animated for the slightest moment raising his arms in the club's haze filled air..."I got the baddest chick in the game wearing my chain!" I danced along side him feigning dis-interest. Why do I feel like a school girl around this man? Is he my crush...a moments fixation...a fleeting fantasy? At moments I clearly felt his gaze fall on my face and body. Seemingly outlining every inch he took in. Never as I watched him though. Not once did he allow me the chance to look deep into his eyes. For that is where I can see everything, that's where I would be able to tell, to see. Even as our glances passed over each other I could tell he made a consious effort to not give in to me regarding this. And this did nothing but heighten the feeling of wanting to know.
I almost prefer to leave it at this. I fear i'll not like him at all if I even attempt to get to know him. Not knowing keeps the dream alive so to speak, for life is full of interuptions and complications and whose to say this isn't exactly what that is.
There were other people there too, obviously. I saw those Making the Band boys. Oh and Danity Kane too who I must say looked somewhat busted. Especially that D Woods chick who seemed to be coupled up with Q, which is funny since I figured him to be gay since the first time I saw him. And Will that man is fine but even he was with some drunk dumpy looking girl. Go figure. The NY Giants were in the building as it was their celebration for making it to the Supebowl but since I don't follow football like that I couldn't tell you the Quaterback from the towel boy I won't even try to name names.
I love when nights go all perfect and shit.
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