"Real love is always fated. It has been arranged before time. It is the most meticulously prepared of coincidences. And fate, of course, is simply a secular term for the will of God, and coincidence for His grace." Joshua Harris
Once in a life time, some will say, if your really lucky, some day - a long time from now - you might have the succint possibility of meeting your knight in shining armor. And if the universe favors you at the perfect moment it just might let you bask in complete happiness of knowing that you are the best at what you do and reap all ensuing benefits of being so.
I appreciate the Obamas for the seeming proof and contradiction of this belief. A bit of a familial oxymoron themselves, it's only fitting that the general, stereo-typical mold is shattered into a million tiny peices. Add to this phenomenom the undeniable fact that Michelle and Barack make it seem all to natural and, well, easy, that it forces you to recognize its certain attainability if only you knew how.
I'm not speaking of the obvious monumental changes that are taking place from our country electing it's first African-American male to lead us boldly into the future. I am held in complete awe of the underlying affects and transitions that are taking place mentally and spiritually. If you think about it, you see it taking form too.
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