I've been accepted back to school and I'm feeling pretty randy about the idea of going back, though it's forcing me in the interim weeks of figuring out exactly what it is that I want to do with/for the rest of my life. That's some pretty heavy shit to contemplate on and much more difficult to answer than expected. From day to day my interests point me in so many directions that one moment I want to be in music, the next marketing, the next an actor. You can see how the task of pinning down one specific career path can be. That being said, when I'm confronted with the same question posed to me when I was a young girl, If it weren't for money, what would you do? It's a powerful thought! For they say when your work is what you would gladly do for free, then it's really not working at all and one part of life's mystery is solved for you. Bam! Just like that. And so my journey begins. I know exactly what I would do if money weren't a factor. I would be a writer...of books, and poetry, screen plays and editorials. Perhaps be the editor of a great magazine. And so I work from there. From a crazy idea filled room that I, in some kind of way, must find a way to the beauty in my mind.
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