When he first hit the stage I could tell immediately that something was wrong with the sound...it seemed somehow muffled and muted, even with the band playing live fifteen feet in front of me. Didn't they have a sound check? Couldn't they hear it too? If they did they kept right on playing, pretending everything was fine. Trey Songz comes out looking cute enough. Donned in mostly black (slacks, shirt and jacket) he immediately goes into the intro to one of his songs but its all off. The tone, the band playing under water,his mic being too low...nothing meshed. I immediately wished he had back up singers. Now mind you the ladies up front are still screaming there heads off. I see a couple of people looking round like WTF but for the most part the audience was in it with him.
From every obviously contrived hand rubbing his jaw and chest to the even more comspicuous shouting of "It's getting hot in here!" while unbuttoning his shirt, **insert screams**, Yes they were feeding right into it - screaming louder than the muffled band at times. I wound up being totally distracted from Trey when the drummer and piano guy finally figured out how bad things were and trying, witout success, to straiten it out. If it weren't for the two shots of Patron and the Carona I had I might've gave up halfway through the set and left but I braved it out for the conclusion. I mean I did pay $30 bucks for this. Around this time I realized that Mary J Blige is sitting in the balcony watching as well. Yall know how Mary do. Sitting all cool behind dark shades. She wasn't dancing though. Not at all from what I saw.
Anyways, he did sing a wide selection of songs. He did a couple old joints I'd never heard of before getting into his older radio hits and of course you can't help but sing along at times. You cant deny it, he does have some hot joints under his belt. He also did some songs off the new album "Ready" and his mixtape "Anticipation". In the end I just couldn't get pass the horrible sound system and the wack, over exaggerated show that Trey put on. I felt like his heart wasn't in it. He looked like he'd done and said those exact same things at every show since he started this tour. He seemed to be simply going through the motions, not really connecting to the us, the audience, at all.