Last night I checked out the Fader/Henny party with my homie J. It was hosted in the meatpacking district and as usual was full of drunkeness and hilarity. Ran into a couple old friends like Derrick who I haven't seen in ages and Brook who assigned me my first freelance writing gig when i first moved to New York. By 11:00 I'd had enough though so i got my drunk ass on the train and went home. It's funny sometimes the characters you run across here. Most harmless enough and some quite fucking hilarious. Met a dude who said he was getting kicked out of his apartment the next day in court and in the same breath asked me for my number. Interesting. And bold. Anyway, I'm paying for all the Henny now and my only thought is getting home and sitting on my couch doing absolutely nothing. I'm on the count down now with my trip to vegas and my subsequent trip home. At the very least it gives me something to look forward to...
J said this rooster was good luck so I'm posting up...shit i can use all the help I can get!

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