Living in New York often leaves my days feeling like hours instead. So much has happened since the last time I've blogged. Let's see. I went to the DJ Premier/Pete Rock/9th Wonder Smironoff Party that was hosted by Ed Lover. You know, he's once funny dude and down to earth too. That's always a good thing since most cats in the industry be on some other shit half the time. It was pretty much an old school hip hop party and lots of cats stopped by to partake. Q-tip dj'ed for a while, Pharomonc
h stopped by. As did Talib Kweli and Sadat least I think that was him. It was also Pete Rock's birthday so they came out with the cake and all that shit...everybody sang happy birthday. It was cool. You know its so cool having friends in the industry. Thanks to J, not only was it an open bar but he hooked a sista up with a VIP band and everything. That's my dude he always looking out for ya girl and I really appreciate that shit. Me and Jay go waaaay back and he's one of the few friends that have managed to stick around through all the time that has passed. Speaking of freinds from the past. That very same night I ran into Donwizzle. You know he's doing his thing with the group Tanya Morgan ( and I'm really proud of him. Shit, it ain't easy living in the city and doing that music thing. You gotta have some serious hustle game and a lot of stamina. Shout out to Don! You can imagine how that night ended with free booze, good
music and good friends....Drunk Ass Hell. I like nights like this... Anyway that was Thursday night. I relaxed and got some rest on Friday. For some reason I'm never excited about doing anything on Fridays. I think the by that point my work week has completely worn me down and by that time i'm not good for much more than SCB's and sleeping. And that's exactly what i did.
On Saturday I went to a bar-b-que in brooklyn at Gary, Terrence, and Danny's. Those three are so much fun to be around and they have the most awesome brownstone. It's huge and walking around it feels very industrial since they're all involved in some kind of artistic creation. You'd
have to be to think of having a pinata at a backyard bar-b-que. And when I tell you watching a bunch of drunk people swing blindly and wildly at a dangling money is extremely entertaining, please believe me. That shit was hilarious. They was hitting everything but the damn monkey at first...the window, people standing near by, tables and shit. Pure comedy. Of course there was plenty of drinking and lots of food. Though they did run out
eating them with hamburger buns and/or pita bread. Was still good non the less. Saw some old friends and met with some completely new ones. The very cool thing about parties they throw is that they have the most interesting bunch of friends...granted they're pretty unique themselves but you get my drift. I stayed much longer than originally anticipated and so the plan to ride the train back to harlem was deaded and I was forced to cough up the $35 it took to catch a taxi. It was completely worth it though.
On Sunday I had this horrid dinner for Hilary Clinton to attend. You know, one of those fund-raising on
es where you listen to speeches and they serve you cold chicken and cheap wine. Actually it wasn't that bad. I think I was more vexed by having to give up my Sunday night for this broad. I took my friend Rosie and she walked up and shook her hand and talked to her and everything. I wasn't interested. To tell you the truth I don't even know why I took the pic. She looks different in person too. For some reason Hilary just doesn't do it for me. I mean, I'd love to see a woman for president but she seems kind of dead behind the eyes. And listening to her speak sounds like word vomit. Just my opinion though. The cheap wine helped alot.
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