So Tuesday was one of those days where I was completely annoyed and agitated for the better part of the day. It wasn't until yesterday that I read that the sensible Taurus moon tensely squared the long-term opoosition between dreamy Neptune and realistic Saturn which may sound like gibberish to alot of yall but spelled trouble for me. When something like this occurs our days are marked by a series of delimas, which described my day perfectly on Tuesady. A series of delimas. Did you have a shitty day on Tuesday as well? Blame the planets. Listen to me. "Stars, moons quasars. Muthafuckas sounding like Elroy Jetson!" Yall remember that line from Boys In The Hood. Anyway, that was pretty much my attitude the entire day. I really just felt like cursing somebody out. Not for anything that anyone had done in particular. I wanted to do it just because I felt like it! My homie J said he felt the same way on Tuesday. I laughed when he told me he was "the angry black man" for the day. Hilarious. Fortunately, I woke up Wednesday feeling much better and pretty much had an effortlessly smooth day. I was even given another project. For my boss to be so much of an ass sometimes I must say it still feels good when he compliments me on my hard work. Even when a compliment comes in the form of more work for my ass.
My mood today is pretty relaxed. Every since Sal came back
from Portugal and Puerto Rico I've been missing my beach action so I put up a picture of one of my favorite places in the entire world Buzios, Brasil!!!! I'll keep this picture indelibly printed on my brain throughout the day for a little peace of mind in all of this Mayhem. And just for the record I've never had a greater time visiting a foreign place than my time spent in Brasil. My ass has got to go back!

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